Thursday, October 31, 2024
Today was a proud mommy moment for little Miss Phaedra….She has been showing signs for a while that she is close to potty training. She will go get a diaper when she needs to be changed. She lays down so you can change her. She takes her diaper off and tries to change herself. She knows that you wipe.
Well, this evening she was trying to open the bathroom door. (Side note, if you know toddlers you know that they like to put things where they don’t go so, we have to keep her from going into the bathroom alone.) Anyway, she was messing with the door and grunting. I went in, opened the door and put her on the big potty. Just a few seconds later, she pooed in the potty!!!!! Yay, that’s a big step.
She was so excited that she did that. I gave her a sticker to put on her art door in her room. She was so proud of herself that we had to share the news with mama, papa, and sissy!